
Showing posts from June, 2023


Eid ul adha Mubarak! May Allah accept all your prayers and grant you forgiveness this Eid Ul Adha. May this blessed day be full of happiness and joy for you and your family. Bakra Eid Mubarak.... May Allah fill your life with brightness, without every one of you, my Eid would be lacking. Happy Eid to the most amazing family ever. I anticipate Eid-ul-Fitr every year because of all our excitement and happiness on this holy day. Happy Eid to all of my amazing relatives and well-wishers. Eid ul Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, is a significant religious observance celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It's a reminder of how far the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was ready to go to please God by sacrificing his own son. In response, one could also say Eid mubarak (عيد مبارك) which means, “blessed Eid [to you too]”, Allah yebarek feek/i (الله يبارك فيك), which means “God bless you [too]”, or simply, shukran (شكراً) meaning “thank you”. ...