Showing posts from July, 2023
The Role of our soul
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Once upon a time, there was a king and he had four wives. The king adores his fourth wife a lot than all other and he always introduces her as his wife to the other kings. The king’s third wife came from a rich family and she can help in all the financial matters of the king , so obviously the king liked her. The king’s second wife is so compassionate and joyous. The second wife is so friendly with the king. The king’s first wife is not like others. She helps to stay strong, helps to lead a great life and help to solve everything in his life but the king never care her that much. Years are going, the king is also running with the time but after some years unfortunately the king fall ill and he tried to a lot to became normal still his effort was of no use, he and his wives knew that he’s going to die in a few days.The king thought a lot for longtime and he called his fourth wife and he talked to her like this, King : You have played a wonderful role in my life and I love you so much ...
Religion is Easy
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Written by: imran kashmiri This is from many texts of Quran and Sunnah It is clear that the teachings of Islam are easy to understand and practice. Acquiring the basic teachings of Islam is a duty on every Muslim. The Companions acquired the knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and lived their entire lives according to this knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah. And thus they became worthy of the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. And the religion of Islam in its true and perfect form has always been preserved and will remain preserved until the Day of Judgment in the same way as it existed in the era of the Prophet and the era of the Companions. Now it is the responsibility of the scholars to try to highlight the basic and important teachings of the religion of Islam in front of the people without any complications in common language and simple style. And all Muslims need to ...
ThE giRl In ThE RaIn
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THE YOUNG LADY IN THE DOWN POUR The night they poured cold water down on the unassuming community square. Individuals were going home because of a flood advance notice. The shops were shutting, cafés completed the process of serving, and bars sent individuals home. I locked the front way to my book guardians book shop and that is the point at which I saw her, the young lady in the downpour. She had on a straightforward dim blue sweater over some pants. Her feet were exposed on the cobblestones making the square and she gazed upward with her eyes shut grinning into the downpour. I don't move from my position of going to lock the entryway I stay there watching this young lady. Her long earthy colored hair twisted and adhered to her back, neck and cheeks. At long last, I locked the entryway took out the key, and strolled over to the weird young lady. Holding an umbrella over myself I ask her, "What are you doing?"...